Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Debra's Cottage

Hi All...thank you for coming out and visiting us at our boutiques the last few months. We finished up the hectic pace this weekend at Sugar Plum and Rancho Bernardo Winery.

Don't forget that you can visit our store in Costa Mesa...Debra's Cottage...where we have a booth all year long! There are items in Debra's that we don't post on the web and are exclusive to our store location. Stop by and check us out!

We will be concentrating on new handbag designs in the coming months. Be sure to check our web site for new postings.

Doreen and I want to wish you and yours...a very happy and joyous holiday season and New Year!

Sue and Doreen PurseTime4U

Sue and Doreen

(949) 766- 2871

Unique Handbags - Purse Time 4 U

Debras Cottage


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