Finding the perfect purse or unique handbag can sometimes be a challenge. You want something fun, but you also want something unique. We understand how you feel and that’s why we started making fashion purses and
designer handbags. Of course, originally we just began knitting purses because we wanted to be able to carry an original and unique bag. It wasn’t until a few years and hundreds of compliments later that we thought about selling our unique handbags. And thus, was born.
While we sell to women all over the world, we still get a great sense of pride when we walk down the street and see one of our unique handbags on a woman’s shoulder. And since we make each fashion purse to order, we know that our customers will never find the exact same bag in anyone else’s closet. We know that some people would argue with us, but we really do think we have the best job in the world. After all, we get to create
unique handbags for unique women.
Sue and Doreen,
Purse Time 4 U
Sue and Doreen
(949) 766- 2871
Unique Handbags - Purse
Time 4 U
Debras Cottage
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